Lehigh Acres Assisted Living Blogs

Coping With Change to Assisted Living: Tips and Strategies

Written by Discovery Senior Living | Jul 28, 2024 2:21:55 PM

Change can be challenging, especially as we age. Moving to an assisted living community is a significant life transition. While it offers many benefits, it can also bring about feelings of anxiety and uncertainty.

Keep reading to explore strategies and practical tips for easing the transition to senior living and making the move a smoother experience for everyone involved. If you need help coping with the change to assisted living, we have you covered.

Assisted Living Transition Tips

Start preparing for the move early. Create a checklist of what needs to be done, including sorting belongings, notifying utilities, and organizing paperwork.

If possible, visit the assisted living community a few times before the final move. This helps the person to become familiar with the environment and meet future neighbors and staff. Keeping the seniors actively involved throughout this transition can help them feel more in control and confident.

Make the new living space feel like home by bringing familiar and loved belongings, photographs, and other items.

If pets are included in this move, help prepare them as well. Include the following in your pet moving plan:

  • A visit to the veterinarian to check that vaccinations are up to date and that the pet is healthy
  • Add pet toys, beds, food and medications to the checklist
  • Discuss how you can set up a pet-friendly space in the new home
  • Work out ways to introduce the pet to their new environment slowly and safely
  • Discuss the pet's needs or concerns you may have with the staff

Approach the move with a positive attitude. Emphasize the benefits of assisted living, such as access to care, social activities, and a maintenance-free lifestyle.

Adjusting to Assisted Living

Adjustment takes time. Feeling various emotions, including sadness, anxiety, or even relief, is expected. Luckily, there are some strategies to ease the adjustment period.

Decorate the space to make it comfortable and feel like home. Hang artwork, arrange favorite books and family photos where they can be seen and enjoyed, and arrange the furniture to be practical while still reflecting personal style and comfort.

Get involved in community activities and events. This helps you make new friends and feel part of the community.

Continue with your hobbies and interests. Assisted living communities often offer many recreational activities that cater to different interests.

Keep in touch with family and friends. Modern technology makes staying connected through video calls and social media easier than ever.

Be mindful of the fact that transitioning to assisted living is a major life change. Give yourself time to adjust to this new environment and settle into new routines.

Assisted living communities have personalized care plans and services to meet every resident's needs. Take advantage of these resources for extra support. This can include help with:

  • Daily activities
  • Housekeeping
  • Medication management
  • Specialized healthcare services
  • Transport
  • Wellness programs
  • Dining options

If your pet moved with you, explore the pet-friendly activities and amenities. Many communities have:

  • Designated walking areas and paths
  • Pet grooming services
  • Pet-friendly transportation options
  • Pet therapy programs

Take advantage of these chances to meet other residents who share a love for animals.

Managing Change in Old Age

Moving to senior living involves adapting to changes in routine and lifestyle.

It's important to lean on family members, friends, or a counselor for emotional support during this transition to assisted living.

Staying active is also important. Many communities offer exercise classes or walking groups tailored to seniors' needs. Join groups and try new things in the community, such as:

  • Exercise classes
  • Walking groups
  • Book clubs
  • Hobby workshops

Help for Seniors Moving

Moving to assisted living involves physical relocation and emotional adjustment. Here are some tips to help navigate this:

Listen and Validate Feelings

Acknowledge the emotional rollercoaster seniors may experience-whether it's nostalgia for their old home or uncertainty about their new surroundings.

Take time to listen to their concerns and validate their feelings. Let them know it's normal to feel a mix of emotions during this transition.

Offer Practical Assistance

Moving involves a lot of logistical tasks, which can be overwhelming for seniors. Practical assistance can help to lower their stress and anxiety.

Help with packing belongings, organizing items for the move, and coordinating logistics such as transportation and paperwork. Offer reassurance that everything is being taken care of.

Encourage Social Connections

Assisted living communities offer opportunities for social interaction and community engagement, which are vital for mental well-being.

Encourage seniors to join events and activities within the community. Help them connect with other residents and staff members, fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie.

Provide Reassurance and Patience

Change can be daunting, especially for seniors who may have lived in their homes for many years. Patience and reassurance are key.

Assure them that it's okay to take time to adjust to their new surroundings. Offer support and encouragement throughout the transition period, emphasizing that their well-being is the priority.

Stay Involved in Decision-Making

Seniors may feel a loss of control during the transition process. Involving them in decision-making empowers them and fosters a sense of autonomy.

Consult seniors on decisions about their new living arrangements, such as room layout or participation in certain activities. Respect their preferences and choices.

Check in with them regularly to revisit decisions, discuss concerns or answer their questions. Remember to check in with the pets to see how they are doing in their new home.

Final Thoughts on Coping With the Change to Assisted Living

Coping with the change to assisted living can be uncomfortable and stressful at first. Use these tips and strategies to navigate this transition and help seniors confidently embrace this new chapter of life. Your support can make a big difference in how they approach and deal with this.

At Lehigh Acres Assisted Living community, we understand the challenges of coping with these changes. Our individual care plans and tailored services, designed specifically for each resident, will assist you and help you adjust to your new community with ease.

Contact us today, and let's make it a smooth transition together!